Arcamax horoscopes. Ask Amy: Consumer doesn't want a chatty traine...

Happy Leap Day, the day that only happens once every fou

4 days ago · Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.Tom Margenau on Feb 14, 2024. This column should be coming out around Valentine's Day. And it was 50 years ago, on Valentine's Day, that my soon-to-be wife and I went out on our first date. How that came about makes for a cute story. I had just started working for the Social Security office in the small farming community of Litchfield, Illinois.Horoscopes / January 23, 2024 In Capricorn, Venus collects herself. She's been through the diplomatic exercise of Libra, the smolder of Scorpio, and she's shot the burning arrow of Sagittarius straight into the target heart, too.Horoscopes / January 06, 2024 A child, hands over eyes, believing themselves to be invisible, is endearing. A grown person's lack of self-awareness is far less so, though technically may still be indicative of a developmental stage.Holiday Mathis on Mar 29, 2024. Habits can form on purpose or on accident. Repetition makes it so. The lunar trine to Neptune followed by a challenging aspect to Mars highlights the actions we put on replay in the hours and days to come. Since each recurrence strengthens neural pathways, making the next round easier, make sure you're doing ...Trump Debate, Deja Vu All Over Again. Debra Saunders on May 20, 2024. WASHINGTON -- The campaigns of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to two debates in 2024 -- the first on June 27, the second on Sept. 10 -- while signaling to the Commission on Presidential Debates its services are no longer desired.Domestic Moon. Holiday Mathis on Jan 24, 2024. The moon leaves her home in Cancer only to get immediately into a tug of war opposition with Pluto. We're heading for the full moon in Leo tomorrow, which is also known as the Wolf Moon. Whether you choose to see it as feline or canine, today brings the domesticated version -- …Entertainment / Horoscopes / May 18, 2023 The new moon is traditionally a time for starting the race, swinging the doors wide, launching projects and ringing the bell to open the market. This new moon will be in Taurus, the sign of money, luxury, tenacity and voice.Jun 18, 2022 ... Dear Readers: With wedding season upon us and in-person celebrations returning, I decided to devote a column to wedding mishaps – all sent ...Mar 28, 2024 · Day of Double Trines and Oppositions. Holiday Mathis on Mar 28, 2024. It takes energy to shore up discrepancies. When you feel one thing but must act in some other way, it creates a gap. To shore up those gaps and present one cohesive personality is the very definition of emotional labor. This is why people you can't be yourself around are so ...True growth begins with a you-to-you embrace. An open-hearted self-acceptance will lead you to accept a number of other things. The more you can accept, the bigger your heart, world and horizons will be. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You're the constant. You show up when it matters with a steady hand to hold.Backlash: America Cools on Crazy. Jeff Robbins on May 21, 2024. The morning after the 1972 election in which Richard Nixon defeated liberal Democrat George McGovern by 23 points, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael wandered glumly around the magazine's Manhattan office. "I don't know how this could have happened," Kael muttered.May 6, 2024 · Rolling Toward a New Money Moon. Holiday Mathis on May 6, 2024. The reputation of "new money" may be gauche, but new, old or no money can be just as awkward. As we slide into tomorrow's new moon in Taurus, the chance to examine our relationship to finance and all involved emotions, history and intentions is ever near.Dear Amy: My wife and I have a 4-year-old son who is interested in trying various "pee wee" sports. He has started playing T-ball and soccer. Both my wife and I are pretty good athletes. In fact, we met in college while playing intramural sports. Our son is (how to put it?) kind of a klutz. His attention wanders, his coordination isn't quite there, and overall she and I agree that he ...Recycling isn't just throwing any and all plastic and glass items into a bin and sending them off. Some recycling centers can handle many different types of plastics and glass, even without pre-sorting, but few can recycle everything — especially the odds and ends that end up tossed in a home recycling system because they are ostensibly made from recyclable materials. Learning how to ...May 14, 2024 · Just Before a Mercury Change. Holiday Mathis on May 14, 2024. Those who have empathy, a conscience and a rounded understanding of concepts like indebtedness typically extend care and a sense of responsibility to their colleagues, teammates and employees. Not everyone shares the same suite of human neurology, though.S.E. Cupp, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 3, 2024. But there's often a big difference between what each candidate wants to be true, and what is true. We won't know until exit polling in November whose presidential reelection dreams Kennedy ends up spoiling, but I happen to believe both teams are wrong — RFK Jr. is clearly going to take ...Dear Amy: My 63-year-old husband has a successful career and a loving family. And he smokes pot morning, noon, and night. He knows it disturbs me (I don't like the smell and I really don't like his altered state), so he has found ways to do it that I do not smell, and also "sneaks" it in pretending he is doing something else like walking the dog. He is a loving partner, a good dad, and ...Sometimes it is hard to be aware and tuned in to all that's going on in a moment, but the willingness to do so is enough to start the journey. Mercury and Jupiter form an earth sign trine, which has the effect of sifting through the rubble of ordinary communication to ...Scorpio Season Cooldown horoscope, astrology, Virgo, zodiac, stars, communication, relationships, health, wellness, lifestyle Entertainment / Horoscopes / Nov 20, 2023 If it was a workout class, this would be the part where the instructor starts to speak slowly and softly, encouraging deep, long breaths and a few big stretches before the final ...What Lies Beneath. Holiday Mathis on Feb 25, 2024. The giant stone heads of Easter Island have bodies, because of course they do. The current situation between intuitive Pisces planets and terrestrial Taurus planets suggests we'll unearth things that are similarly surprising, not because they are illogical in the least.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Aug 05, 2023 Everyone needs some degree of self-interest to operate in the world, though a little goes a long way. At this point of Leo season, with the moon in the sign of "I am," we are well aware of how the ego can be a manipulative child, slanting the perspective in such a way as to seem like the center of the ...Piscean Truthiness. Holiday Mathis on Feb 28, 2024. In fiction, characters on Sodium Pentothal will tell the truth, whether they want to or not. In reality, such "truth serums" are unreliable as they have been known to produce false as well as true memories. With the strong influence of fanciful Pisces planets, there are many versions of even ...11 items to purge from your closet for a clutter-free wardrobe. Katie Bandurski and Jessica Bennett, on Feb 20, 2024. No matter how big they are, closets never seem to have enough storage space. Whether yours is overflowing with clothes you never wear, or packed with miscellaneous items, a quick refresh can help streamline your closet ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Oct 18, 2023 The Sagittarius moon is the Instagram filter of the zodiac. In this part of the zodiac cycle, the FOMO (fear of missing out) is turned all the way up, and we're convinced that other people are having more fun, making more money and eating a better lunch, too.Dear Amy: My 12-year-old granddaughter, "Casey," often stays with me during weekends. Casey has a friend from school who she has visited several times. She has had a sleepover at that friend's house - with her mom's permission. I met the friend's mother briefly; I've only seen the friend from a distance. My granddaughter led me to understand that her friend is a girl. It seems now that ...Venus Change. Holiday Mathis on Apr 29, 2024. Today brings a Venus change, and tomorrow it's Mars, which is a logical order in the "ladies first" kind of way. Both Venus and Mars are returning to their favorite places -- Mars to the warrior realm of Aries and Venus to the first sign she rules: sensual, beautiful Taurus.Ask Amy: A loving mom wonders why her son is SO single. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Mar 14, 2024. Dear Amy: Our 30-year-old son, "Thomas," has a great job, is well-adjusted, and has many friends. Thomas is outgoing and goes out with groups of friends, some of whom are married.Mar 24, 2024 · The moon moving from clean Virgo to shiny Libra recalls how clarifying our priorities is like washing a car. We do it knowing we'll have to do it again next week and the week after that. Unlike washing your car, you don't need soap or sweat tend to our values. Just reflecting on what truly matters to you is an act of alignment.If there has been a recurring theme that has kept popping up for me in the last few weeks, it's this: We should probably get some adults in this room to get this worked out. And then it dawns on me: Oh, that's me. I'm the person who is going to have a hand in making some ...Maternal Moon. Holiday Mathis on May 11, 2024. A maternal Cancer moon guides the lead-up to Mother's Day and will also shine through tomorrow's parental acknowledgement. "Mother, any distance greater than a single span requires a second pair of hands. You come to help me measure windows, pelmets, doors, the acres of the walls, the prairies of ...Cosmic Grudge Match. Holiday Mathis on May 17, 2024. Mercury and Pluto square off grudge-like, and little words like "I'm sorry" are so significant, they can change everything about a relationship. Words have the weight they are given and are valued by the effects they cause or inspire. Some people say "I'm sorry" so easily and often, it means ...Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.Trump's 5-Step Fascist Plan. Robert B. Reich, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 1, 2024. In October of 2020, Trump issued his own executive order that would have enabled him to fire tens of thousands of civil servants and replace them with MAGA loyalists. He never got to act on it, but he's now promising to apply it to the entire civil service ...Pisces Planets Give the Feels. Holiday Mathis on Mar 2, 2024. The preponderance of Pisces planets is keeping the emotions flowing strong. Just remember that everything you do to manage the discrepancy between how you feel and what you project takes energy. Being in spaces and around people who don't require you to …Find free daily, weekly, monthly and 2024 horoscopes at, your one stop shop for all things astrological. Find out what the stars have aligned for you today!Seriously Simple: Turkey lettuce wraps, an Asian classic with a twist. Diane Rossen Worthington, Tribune Content Agency on May 20, 2024. When I am in the mood for an Asian meal, I will often make lettuce wraps since they're easy to put together. If you make sure all the ingredients are prepped and ready to cook, these can be made in a few ...Apr 20, 2024 · Jupiter's Jackpot. Holiday Mathis on Apr 20, 2024. Mercury and Venus aligned to greet the new season with a solid alliance of heart and head, word and deed, desire and fulfillment. Today brings another lucky conjunction, adding to the prosperous and fortunate omens for Taurus Season. Jupiter, the planet of luck, and Uranus, the planet of ...Agitating the Bull. Holiday Mathis on May 13, 2024. As anyone who has participated in the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain, can attest, unpredictable things can happen when the bulls are subject to intensified energy. The already powerful thrust of Taurus vibes will be turned up with the solar conjunction to Uranus.Mercury ends the retrograde just in time to start the new year off on an empowering note. Make peace with the past, not because people deserve forgiveness but because it clips the tether to historic pain. Resolution allows you to live in the present. While you're at it,...Dr. Lee Pickett on Apr 11, 2024. Q: I'm thinking about teaching Cameo, my newly adopted young calico cat, to use the toilet instead of a litter box. Are most people successful at toilet training their cats? A: I don't recommend toilet training cats for three reasons. First, my mom told me that when she visited her aunt, who had toilet trained ...Jun 18, 2022 ... Dear Readers: With wedding season upon us and in-person celebrations returning, I decided to devote a column to wedding mishaps – all sent ...Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.Are you curious about what the stars have in store for you today? Look no further. In this personalized horoscope reading, we will delve into the different aspects of your life and...Mar 24, 2024 · The moon moving from clean Virgo to shiny Libra recalls how clarifying our priorities is like washing a car. We do it knowing we'll have to do it again next week and the week after that. Unlike washing your car, you don't need soap or sweat tend to our values. Just reflecting on what truly matters to you is an act of alignment.Neptune's Challenge. Holiday Mathis on Apr 13, 2024. In the sunset days of Aries Season, there are many things that could shore up the distance between you and the prize on the horizon. Time and work are minimum requirements, boosted by add-ons like luck, talent, team and more. An aspect to Neptune challenges us to see the potential in gifts ...1. Cook bacon and onion with 2 tablespoons of the oil in a very large (12 to 14-inch) nonstick or well-seasoned cast-iron skillet over medium heat until bacon is crispy, about 10 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, use the large holes of a 4-sided grater to shred the potatoes (peel and all) onto a cutting board. Pat dry.Instructions for Venus in Aries. Holiday Mathis on Apr 5, 2024. You don't need everyone to be happy with your plan; you only need one person to be happy with it, the one who made it. Even that person should be given grace in doubt and the freedom to make adjustments along the way without the hassle of judgment.In the Dark Expanse, Post-Eclipse. Holiday Mathis on Apr 9, 2024. Clutter is camouflage. It prevents focus on any particular thing. Whatever you drop into blank space will get all the attention. Both states can be useful, depending on the effect you're going for. If you're trying to stop yourself from ruminating on one thing, introduce ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Aug 05, 2023 Everyone needs some degree of self-interest to operate in the world, though a little goes a long way. At this point of Leo season, with the moon in the sign of "I am," we are well aware of how the ego can be a manipulative child, slanting the perspective in such a way as to seem like the center of …The first moments of Pisces season are a gentle rocking of the spirit, the opposite of a lullaby, a soft nudge meant to start the process of consciousness. It's so much nicer to be awakened with warmth and gentleness than with adrenaline-producing alarms that jar us ...Welcome to Taurus Season. Holiday Mathis on Apr 19, 2024. Mercury and Venus do a perfectly synchronized dance to welcome the Taurus sun -- an omen of prosperity, full hearts and satisfying experiences. Taurus Season is a celebration of the senses, a time of appreciation for all that allows us to take in the world.Wayne Allyn Root on Apr 21, 2024. I swear we are living in some kind of bizarro "Twilight Zone" episode, or a zombie apocalypse nightmare. Things are that bizarre in America nowadays. Forty-eight hours ago, I was watching a TV show on CBS when a promotion came on my TV screen for the CBS morning show. Host Gayle King (Oprah Winfrey's BFF) said ...When you learn business, you are learning about you. Mars and Neptune align in Pisces to show us how we are connected to all things. Through worldly observations, we gain deeper insights into our own existence. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Loved ones bring up emotional subjects because they are trying to get closer to you.Horoscopes / January 23, 2024 In Capricorn, Venus collects herself. She's been through the diplomatic exercise of Libra, the smolder of Scorpio, and she's shot the burning arrow of Sagittarius straight into the target heart, too.A trine of Mercury and Uranus is the sun glinting from our lens of life -- an unexpected crystal of light that gives the picture a feeling of magic. Now we regularly add those with filters, which is another way to go metaphorically. If the magic isn't happening ...Dear Amy: I'm a widower, and my significant other, "Siena," is a widow. Long ago, we dated in college (semi-seriously) for a couple years, but "life" got in the way and we drifted apart. We married other people. Both of our spouses are deceased. Decades later, we are now in a wonderful relationship. Last year I brought Siena to my daughter's big annual family get-together. We had a ...Ask Amy: Parent wonders whether to bail out daughter. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Feb 20, 2024. Dear Amy: My daughter is 37, and has been married for 15 years. She and her husband have three boys, ages 13, 10, and 3. She pursued a divorce in the most destructive way possible, by moving a male "friend" (who has three children of ...Dear Amy: I am involved in a very messy situation. I had an affair with a married man 33 years older (I am 25, he is 58). I didn't go out looking for it, but one thing led to another. He'd been having marital problems for several years. He described his wife as being a good person but someone who is a spectator in life rather than a participant. They are like housemates who sometimes have ...Horoscopes / January 06, 2024 A child, hands over eyes, believing themselves to be invisible, is endearing. A grown person's lack of self-awareness is far less so, though technically may still be indicative of a developmental stage.. The relatively new holiday, National Day of Forgiveness, cAmy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Mar 11, 2024. Dea Entertainment / Horoscopes / Mar 25, 2024 Consider the lowly earthworm -- a creature without ears who processes sound vibration to "hear" and, though eyeless, processes light to "see." Crucial to all that grows on planet Earth, the soil-star has much to teach us about the perfection of being the way we are and using what we have to make space ...Horoscopes Flower Power. Kurt Loder Review: 'Poolman' is a serious Glug. Games. Chess Puzzles Black to Play. Humor. ... ArcaMax Chef Dessert -- Apple Apricot Pie. Recipes by Zola Three Ingredients Peanut Butter Cookies. Travel. Celebrity Travel Celebrity Travel: Go away with R.O. Kwon. The cusp of a season is like an old-school phone call. You Pisces Season Check-in. In the season of Pisces, we may identify with others to the point that our own needs, simmering beneath the surface of consciousness, can be mysterious to us. It may help to remember that we are embodied creatures, and the needs of the body are not expressed in words, rather in cravings and appetites, pains and pleasures. Intersection of the Mercury Change. Holiday Mathis on May 15, 2...

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